Although it features 4G LTE connectivity, the Samsung Galaxy Core Mini is far from being a high-end device. It offers a 4.3-inch display with 480 x 800 pixels, a 5MP rear camera, quad-core 1.2GHz processor, 1.5GB of RAM, and 8GB of expandable internal memory. The smartphone runs Android 4.4 KitKat, weighs 136 grams, and measures 127.8 x 66.2 x 10.6 mm. It seems to have only one color version (that’s white, in case it wasn’t obvious by now).
We don’t know if the new Samsung Galaxy Core Mini 4G will be released outside of China, where customers will be able to buy it via China Mobile, but we could see it being successful in other Asian markets - assuming its price isn’t too high.